Thursday, April 9, 2015


Some words used to describe the feeling of insecurity may be afraid, anxious, shaky, unconfident, troubled, unstable...I can honestly say I've felt this way on more than one occasion in my life and still battle with it at times.

I think for those of us who've experienced troubled times in our lives it's natural to feel this way.  As kids we faced things we weren't equipped to handle, as young adults we were forced to grow up too fast, as adults we do our best to finagle our way through this thing called life.  Some of you were able to do it with little wreckage...I wasn't so lucky.  I don't dwell in the past which has been a great source of strength  in my life but I have held on to some crappy baggage filled with insecurities.  And wouldn't you know it...sometimes I take those garments out of that suitcase and try them on again.  I never like the way they feel or look on me but I still find myself putting them back on!!! DUMB!

Just recently some of those darn things began resurfacing.  It doesn't matter how happy or secure you are in life - there are times when it's not easy being happy and secure.  What I know now is that I cannot allow myself dwell on them or give life to them.  I have to squash them!!  I have to make sure I don't cloak myself in them and wear them around for two and three days as if I'm proud of them.  Shaking the feelings off is far healthier for my peace of mind, my kids and my relationship because I'm not projecting negativity.  So often our minds create the non-existent problem and if we aren't careful we will lose what we hold closest to us.  It's amazing how negative energy can sweep in and destroy what's beautiful.

If you can do anything today - take the time to remind yourself that you are in control of your thoughts.  You can change them - make them positive!  Cast out those negative thoughts and get busy living in the here and now.  Give yourself a chance at living a happy and healthy life!!!

Today is a good day, it's a new day, a great day to begin again!!!!

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