Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bumps in the road

Today started like any other...I really wished I could stay in bed for just a little while longer... ya know to at least 7:00 AM?!!  But 5:30 this morning, I rolled out of bed...thanking God for another day.  I haven't felt good the last couple of days, stomach flu or something had me down.  I hate being down...afraid to miss out on something - life!  But I did it...took my shower, dressed and got to work still feeling weak from being down and out...and the day began.  Nothing unusual for an April Fool's Day...just began.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to see him at lunch - having to make up for the lost hours and all....but that's okay, he understood.  Love that about this man I adore....he doesn't make me feel guilty when things don't go exactly as they are supposed to, he understands.
That's what's wonderful about being adults and starting over again....when you find someone who's lost greatly, hurt deeply and made bad know you're not alone.  You know that you both understand what it's like to appreciate something wonderful.  To give and take in order to see that THIS time...we get things right.

This time in my life...the lessons I've learned are valuable...they mean something to me.  I hold them on the shelf like a well worn, expensive study book.  I take them out...reference them for current days - apply the ones that hold weight in my situation and shelve the others for upcoming days.   I'm both teacher and student!! Love that I can still learn at this stage in my life.

Today I learned to listen to brokenness in another human.  To relate and to not sit in a place of judgement but just sit...just sit and listen.  I didn't need to offer opinions or self experiences...for at one time in my life, I needed an ear.  I needed someone to just listen.  Just hear my hurt, hear my fears, hear my needs.

I'm so happy I got out of bed today, got to work, told my children and the man in my life how much I love them and appreciate them....and took that call.... Today may be a great day for new beginnings for more than just me....

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