Friday, April 3, 2015


I know we've all heard the term, perhaps used it in a sentence or two but exercising it is all together different.  It's foreign for many, faith.  What is faith, how do we obtain it? How can people rely on their faith?  I think for this new walk in my life I have to look back on how I've arrived here and say it's been because I've always had a measure of faith.  I've always believed that my life was meant to be great.  That I was meant to have a beautiful future filled with love, hope, joy and peace.

I have a beautiful life, my children are healthy and happy.  My grandson is healthy and happy.  I have love in my life with an incredible man.  I have an amazing group of friends and family who are of great support to my girls and I.  I have a job which pays the bills, I have food in my cupboards, fuel in my car and a beautiful church which I'm able to get direction and keep my faith strong.  Each day I have the choice to exercise my faith and keep it strong or neglect it and let it diminish in it's strength. Let me tell's not always easy.

My faith has been tested as of late.  I know it's all a part of the process in life.  We are all tested at one point or another - it just seems for me, it's been a lot!  There are days when I just want to throw my hands in the air and ask God, "Why Me?"...but then I already know the answer.  God hasn't left me, He hasn't neglected me or turned away from me.  He's concerned about my needs, my cares, wants and desires.  That's exactly why I'm able to stand tall today with confidence and know in my heart it will all be okay.

Today, on this Friday before Easter...I'm thankful for faith, thankful I can trust in what I can't see or feel.  Thankful for a God who sees me through each day.  Thankful for love....  It's a good day to be me!

Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!  Spend it with those you love, make is too short to waste a beautiful promise!

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