Tuesday, April 7, 2015


It's a four letter word, that word.  It's mean, it's cruel, it's funny.  I love watching Ellen DeGeneres scare the guests on her show.  She not only scares her guests but her staff; they are always on the lookout for when and where Ellen is going to jump out and startle them.  It makes for great entertainment.  I don't know how many times I have watched her assistants go through the Haunted House Tours..cracking up as they scream and push each other just to get away from the scary people.  I just love it! But then again...it's not happening to me. =)

I know as a parent we all experience a level of fear the first time we leave our newborn with a friend or family member, or drop them off at their first day of daycare or kindergarten.  We worry about a plethora of things.  Will they be okay, will they get lost, will they miss us, will they make friends? Those are real and valid fears that we experience and learn how to manage.  The fears change as they grow, but we are somehow more equipped to keep it all in perspective, guiding them to make wise choices in preparation for adulthood.  Fear takes the back seat to hope.

As an adult - I have found I have new fears.  I have found myself worrying about the strangest things...like, my lawnmower, weed eater, hoses, my tires, the plumbing, what weed killer works best?  Do I use charcoal or wood chips, do I need to clean the gutters out, or maybe I should have someone show me how to change the brakes on my car so I can save money?  Oh man, it's crazy what has gone through this mind.  My biggest though...is how do I protect my family?  What do I need to do to know we are okay?  I have raised them to be strong, independent women but do they feel safe?  I pray for God's protection over my children and grandson, I pray that God opens the doors for them that need to be opened and shut those that aren't good for them.  I pray that He's with them at all times and helps guide them in their decisions.  I have locks on the doors, I pay the bills so they have food, water, shelter...but is that enough?  I say, it has to be.  I have to trust...it's going to be okay so I don't let fear become my driving force.

We have to keep fear in it's place.  We can't allow it to dictate our mood, our health, our happiness.  If fear takes root in our minds and heart it can and will destroy us.  I'm not talking about the funny Ellen kind of fear, I'm talking about the fear of others, the fear of self destruction, the fear of letting others down, the fear of becoming a failure.  We have to find a way to trust that it will work out.  We have to be able to let go of fear and grab a hold of peace.  In peace we find rest, we find better health, we find a deeper happiness.

In my quest of a healthier today, a healthier home, a healthier relationship with my boyfriend...I am finding peace is of the utmost importance.  If I'm driven by fear...fear of the unknowns, the what if's, the why's....I won't be able to live in the moment.  I have to let go, and trust in what I may not be able to see or feel... Life is short - go live it today!!! Live with HOPE not fear!!!

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