What a day it's been. I had to run into town to grab some gifts for "Boss's Day" and while doing so I met a super sweet woman. We just clicked. As we chatted back and forth we realized just how small this world is. We knew some of the same people, we shared some of the same life experiences, we stood and talked like old friends, what a treat.
I'm taking nothing for granted...the good, the bad, the ugly. Every experience has left me with something to draw from. Each person I've had the privilege to meet has left an impression on my life. Whether they've hurt me, lifted me up, stayed by my side, left without warning...it doesn't matter, they all have contributed to my life in some form and I'm thankful. It's because of them I can appreciate my role as a mom, a grandma, a girlfriend, an employee, a friend. It's because of them I have stories to tell and memories to cherish. It's because of them I know pain doesn't last forever and joy comes in the morning. It's because of them, I learned I have a God who has never left me or forsaken me and calls me by name.
To whomever you are...thank you for molding me into the strong, happy, sensitive woman I am today!
Thank you all for helping me realize it was okay for me to start over....and to Andrea...the woman I met today, your future will be greater than your past!!!
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