I can say I have not always been the best example. I don't pride myself in that truth, but I don't lie about it either. I have two daughters who have experienced things in life that they should never have experienced and I believe some came from following my lead. I hate that they will learn some things the hard way. However, I am amazed at their strength and determination to get it right.
Through falling down, getting back up, choosing right, choosing wrong, trying and trying again I have found people watch. They watch each and every thing you do and listen to everything that comes from your mouth. If you are a Christian...they want to see you live it. If you are constantly telling people how to parent, they want to see you parent perfectly, if you are constantly telling people they need to lose weight...well, they wanna see that you are the picture of lean muscle and perfect health. If our words don't match up to our actions - we aren't setting a good example.
I was praying in the shower this morning and began weeping, praying that God would help me be the woman my future husband needs. To be the mother my daughters need and be the grandma my sweet impressionable grandson needs. I want to be honorable. I want to be loving. I want to be nurturing and care about their needs, wants and desires as much as my own. I don't want to say I'm these things and perhaps they feel differently because my actions haven't met up with my words.
I am so aware of my mortality. I am so confident that my life will one day end and all that will remain is my example. I pray the man I love knows how deeply he is loved, wanted, cherished. I pray my daughters know how they inspire me, how much I love them, I hope they know that I pray for them and their walk with God. I pray my grandson knows how precious he is to me and that I pray for God's hand in his life...this is the example I pray I'm leaving behind.
Don't lose sight of the end result as you start over.
Lord help us all to remember this.
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