How many times have you found yourself thinking about someone else's life in a judgmental way? I mean shouldn't everyone parent their children the same way as you? Shouldn't everyone dress the same as you? Shouldn't everyone believe the same as you? Shouldn't everyone react the same as you in trying situations or choose to eat as you do or have the same exercise routine as you?
Sounds hideous doesn't it? But yet, so often we sit and pass judgement on others who don't live exactly the way we think they should. I'm not saying that we need to accept every lifestyle as "healthy" because not all are. If you are putting yourself or others in danger, it's wrong.
What I am saying is...even though someone is, as the Christian world believes, "sinning" or perhaps not "sinning" but maybe just doing something you may not agree with...Does NOT mean you have the right to cast judgement.
No matter who they are or what they are doing...it's their life. No one has to agree with another person's decision, it's called life. Every person has been given the ability to make decisions whether bad or good, whether I agree or not. It's not right for me to walk around and constantly give my opinion. The moment we open our mouth spewing out our negativity...we show others that we need to spend time working on ourselves. I honestly don't believe God himself, who sits on His throne sits around discussing our sins to the angels in Heaven. What He does is continue to love us, draw us and give us opportunity after opportunity to know Him.
It's time to stop talking about those in your church, your family, your circle of friends...and start focusing on being the best we can. Friends, life is too short to waste it on worrying about what other people are doing or not doing. Begin praying about the situation, only good will come from that. More often than not, God will begin changing your heart. You may just find you have more compassion, a deeper burden for lost souls, a new walk with Him...taking your eyes off the problem and on the solution.
Starting over doesn't always mean a whole change of life...sometimes it just means we need to work on our own heart and attitude.
Here's to a day filled with hope, peace, love and joy.
Not criticism, gossiping, judging, and despair.
So thankful for a God who loves me in spite of who I am!!!
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