Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Forget what you can't control

You can't control how others choose to live or operate their lives.  You can't control your boss or your co-workers.  You can't control your spouse or significant other....but you can take control of you.  

I know when I change my attitude at work or with my family or loved ones, it makes a huge impact on not only their day, but mine as well.  If I wake up on the wrong side of life....well, they feel it.  As a woman, we set the tone of our home.  It's a gift to be able to offer our children and loved ones a glimpse of hope.  

I know we are all faced with challenging moments/times/seasons....but we don't have to live in doom and gloom.  We can let go of the things we have zero control over and focus on what we do - 
Our Own Self! Our Own Attitude!

So the next time you're faced with a difficult situation, don't let someone trap you into taking on a negative mindset.  Don't let them manipulate your emotions or feelings.  Stay true to yourself!

We have to remember this each and every day as we start over.
If we do, our days will become better, brighter and more peaceful.

Here's to starting over!

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