Monday, December 14, 2015

A grateful heart

Last night my husband and I attended a community Christmas Concert here in our hometown.  We listened to people of all ages and religious affiliations perform.  As the music filled the room where we were all gathered, there was a sense of reverence that settled in.  We sat, dressed in our best, side by side with people who chose to come out in the cold to celebrate the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ. 

As I sat there and felt the weight and warmth of my husband's arm around my shoulder I began thanking God for a beautiful year.  He's blessed me with so much.  There was a time, just a few years ago that I gave up praying for a love like I've been given.  I know so many of us have been right where I was.  Just feeling as though life will never smell sweet again, taste flavorful, feel soft....just kind of going through the motions.  Today I stand as a blessed woman.  Fully testifying of the goodness of God.  I serve a faithful God and I'm so thankful He knows our needs, wants, desires and wants nothing more than to grant us more than we ever hope for.

I know there are days when I find myself begin to grumble and complain and I need to be more conscience of that when it happens - for I am blessed beyond measure and have nothing to be sad about.  God is so good!

As we start over - we have to remember...we are truly starting over.  Let us embrace our blessings and thank God for all He's given us!  It will change our perspective and perhaps change our life's direction - I know it has mine!

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