Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Learning to sail

A Lesson From Jo March:

Storms hit suddenly and without warning.  They cause us to lose our footing, our sense of direction...storms hit believers and unbelievers alike.

God doesn't always keep us from storms, as a matter of fact...He sometimes leads us straight into the storm and at times it feels as though he's abandoned us in the midst.  Contrary to our thoughts...He's always right there - the Bible tells us about a story where Jesus was on the boat with Peter and John...the storm was raging while Jesus slept on the boat with them.  Do you think He didn't know there was a storm?  Noooo, He was fully aware but allowed the storm to rage on.  It serves as a great example of how God weathers the storm with us.  He didn't leave them...He was right there the entire time.  Just as He is with us.

I am learning to navigate through things because I trust God is with me.  I trust He has my little world, my life and my family in the palm of His hands.  So many times crisis show us a side of ourselves that we may have been blind to.  Maybe we didn't realize we had been living or believing a certain way that wasn't good for us or those around instead of looking at every situation we don't agree with as a bad thing...maybe it's an opportunity for us to learn and grow; learning to trust God when life is uncertain just as we trust Him when life is calm.

Storms tend to reveal our distorted views.  So by faith I want to say that God is sovereign, has it all in control and with that knowledge I can relax and learn to sail in the midst of the storm.

Never take for granted the storms - they sometimes reveal lost treasures - start over with hope and faith that your treasures will be discovered!

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