Monday, January 11, 2016

With God - anything is possible

How many of us have had it happen?  You know, the impossible...
For did a bill get paid when I was broke?  How did I survive that car accident -I should have been killed?  How did my marriage survive - it was crumbling?  How did my child graduate from high school - he hated school?

We are walking through a storm and can't see three feet in front of us and yet when the clouds clear, the rain ceases...we can see we have moved forward in the midst of darkness.

There was a time that each and every day unwrapped a new set of problems.  My truck broke down, my daughter was sick with kidney stones, I was barely making it on minimum wage, my other daughter was facing some terrible situations at school, I was in a battle for child support and had no money for a lawyer.  So many things were stacked against me but somehow...I made it, we made it!   My power wasn't shut off, there was no eviction notice, we didn't die of starvation; we made it by the grace of God and those He sent to help us through.  Miracles....each storm brought a new way for God to show His power in my life.

Today I know that God is in complete control.  Today I know that miracles come in many different shapes and forms and I am so grateful God continues to show them to me.

For everyone starting over, going through a struggle, a down season in your life - please hold on.  If you can't take a step forward - stand still.  Just don't give up, give it to God and God will bring you through.
Your miracle is on the way!

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