My husband and I had a couple of young ladies over to our home for dinner last night. These girls have decided to take on a 2 year mission for the Mormon church here in town. They come from two separate worlds, raised two different ways, have different life experiences - yet the have the same draw closer to God and reach others through their outreach.
Although I'm not a Mormon, I admire their commitment and dedication to their church and faith. As we sat and talked about their of them tended to be ashamed of not always living for God and I felt led by the Lord to tell her that her testimony is just as beautiful as the sister that sat beside her who'd had an ever present unfailing relationship with God her entire life.
You see....God sooooo loved us (all of us) that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus Christ), that WHOSOEVER believeth on Him would not perish but have everlasting life. (John my paraphrased words)
It doesn't matter when you choose to change your heart and your life....your testimony is just as strong! He loved you so much that He drew you into His love and care...How wonderful is that?!!! It's amazing love....
I love the Lord...I am so thankful for where He's brought me from, what He's seen me through. I just don't want to try life without Him. God has kept me from many things and has forgiven me for some terrible decisions; yet He consistently reminds me just how much He loves me - I can never thank Him enough.
Serving Him means I don't have to face things alone. Becoming His daughter - and truly trusting He'll provide for and protect me brings so much peace in my life...He's changed my heart, my mind and my spirit.
Don't be ashamed to #startover. Don't be ashamed of your #testimony!
Have a beautiful weekend!