Monday, February 12, 2018

Tattered Pages

I know it's been a while - and I apologize.  Life gets in the way of doing things we love sometimes...but that's not always a bad thing.

Last night was a night of dreams for me.  I dreamt I was looking at a book that the binding had been loosened from being opened and closed many times, the edges of the pages were torn and tattered - I was drawn to the book.  At first glance, it looked weathered and old, maybe out of date.  Why would I want to read it? 

As I began to thumb through the pages I saw the book was a reflection of my life...I read, and re-read several chapters looking for the lesson I was supposed to learn. I wasn’t getting it, the pain I was reading kept appearing time and time again....and then it hit me... I was still standing.  I was reading and reflecting, I had made it through and was there, stronger and no longer defined by those pages, I wasn’t defined by the events found on the lines.  I found the courage time and time again to make it through triumphs and tragedies! I no longer needed to feel insecure or unworthy or inadequate by anyone’s standards or lack thereof...God called me and found me so valuable that He gave me a story! My story, full of His grace, love, kindness and tenderness when others chose to reject me, hurt me, or look down upon me. 

#startingover15 is for all of us who need to be reminded that we are valuable, we are irreplaceable, we are qualified, we are overcomers!  How will your book read? Stop judging people by outward appearances and get to know their heart. 

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