Thursday, February 21, 2019

Be Intentional

This is something I have to truly be "intentional" about!  Especially on those days when being happy isn't so easy.  You know those days...when you get up, still wanting to stay in bed...go take a shower, drop the shampoo bottle on your toe,  cut yourself shaving and cannot pick your clothes out for the life of you?!  It is hard to just walk out the door with your happy face on when your day starts out that way.  It's also hard to be intentional about your happiness when your health or the health of your loved ones is in question.  It's hard to be intentional when you don't know how you're going to make it financially or when your emotions are a wreck.  Life has a way of challenging us all from the simplest to the most difficult circumstances and can drain our joy and happiness if we let it.

I'm here today to tell you - we all have the power to choose to be happy - no matter what curve ball is thrown our way.

Now, I'm not saying we in ourselves have the strength to do this alone.  I do however firmly believe with God's help, we can find our "happy" and silence the hurts, pain, and fears as we turn them over to God and allow Him to handle them.  

We can have joy over anxiety - Psalm 94:19
We can find joy when we face trials - James 1:2-3
We find joy when we praise God - Psalm 47:1
We know God approves of enjoyment in our life  - Ecclesiastes 9:7
We find joy knowing our hope and peace are found in and through Him - Romans 15:13
We can find joy knowing we have eternal life when we believe on Him - Luke 15:7
We are promised joy when we praise God - Isaiah 35:10
Our joy cannot be taken away from us - John 16:22
We are promised a new day and joy comes EVERY morning! Psalm 30:5
Take these scriptures to heart! Happiness and Joy are found in Him! What an amazing gift that is - nothing can take that away from us!

#startingover15 #beintentional

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