It's been too long since I've sat down and taken a few minutes to share from my heart, my apologies.
How many of us get tossed about from time to time in a way that causes us to doubt ourselves?
I know I do.
Just recently someone I love dearly made a statement that stopped me and made me really think about this, once again. I know without a doubt that God loves me JUST HOW I AM! He doesn't look at my size, my shape, my wrinkles, my hair color, my skin, my teeth, my clothes...He looks at my heart, my mind, my soul! He absolutely LOVES me! Just as He absolutely loves YOU!
It does not matter what has been said about us, the roads we've traveled, the sin in our past. Once we ask God to forgive us, cleanse us and make us new again, He does! We don't have to beg. We don't have to bring sacrifices to Him like they did in Biblical times. He paid the ultimate price on Calvary for every sin that was committed from that day forward. We just have to forgive ourselves and allow The Lord to finish what He has started in our lives. Join hands with Him and walk the walk with Him.
God is good to the United States, Ireland, Canada, the Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, South Africa, Germany, Malaysia, the Philippines, Russia, France, Brazil, India, the United Kingdom, Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago (all the places where people have visited my blog).
Let's join together across this world in prayer for all of us who are striving to become all God wants us to be! Lord draw us closer to You!
Here's to #startingover15